Outside The Box
Grants Overview
What we fund
Whole Systems has funded a diversity of projects in the past. They are linked by the underlying goal of creating positive change through decreasing the impact of humans on the planet. The Foundation was established to educate youth about issues of resource management and recycling and research alternative energy resources. We continue to emphasize these programs, but have added other areas to support grass roots efforts to bring awareness to the issues of pollution and resource depletion resulting from our energy intensive society. We have helped fund research into new technologies created by innovators thinking outside the box as well as simple technologies such as efficient wood cook stoves in the developing world.
With limited funds, we have always looked for opportunities to fund start ups and small projects that may be overlooked by larger foundations. We trust that enough of these projects with modest beginnings will take root and their combined effect can alter the course of the larger society.
Building a new stove
Courtesy of “Trees Water People”