Outside The Box
Grants List Year Ending 12/31/2014
Environmental Education
Foundation Earth – Sustainability Scorecard – $2,000
Foundation Earth focuses on changing the basic elements of the economic system. The scorecard compares each nation’s environmental and economic policies on a scale with those nations following the best current practices to point out weaknesses and encourage solutions.
660 Pennsylvania Ave. S.E., Suite #302, Washington, DC 20003 USA
Immense Possibilities – Southern Oregon Public Television – $10,000
Jeff Golden uses a weekly TV program to highlight social entrepreneurs who are creating vibrant communities and solving challenges that old systems cannot address.
PO Box 1232, Ashland, OR 97520
Local Futures Society (formerly ISEC) – Developing local economies – $2,000
Local Futures seeks to create a sustainable world by focusing on the root causes of society’s dysfunction, by adopting practices of sustainable cultures and bringing this information to the public in creative ways.
PO Box 9475, Berkeley, CA 94709
Oregon League of Conservation Voters – supporting educational outreach – $3,000
OLCV’s Mission is to educate Orogonians on the importance of environmental issues and related political action.
OLCV 133 SW 2nd. Ave., Suite 200 Portland, OR 97204
Post Carbon Institute – General fund – $3,000
Post Carbon Institute pays leading role in providing research and information assisting the transition to a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable world.
613 4th Street, Suite 208, Santa Rosa, California 95404 USA
Northwest Earth Institute – Discussion courses on environmental issues – $1,500
Northwest Earth Institute offers (6) 8-week discussion courses ranging from Volunteer Simplicity to Healthy Children – Healthy Planet. This grant supports the expansion of the program.
Northwest Earth Institute, 107 SE Washington Street #235, Portland, OR 97214
Windward Education and Research Center – fellowship program- $3,600
Windward Community is focused on developing sustainable living systems that are both integrated with the environment and with community life. This grant supports two college students to live and work at Windward Community for 3 months in a full emersion learning experience leading to an understanding of permaculture, sustainability and community dynamics that can be carried back to their normal life.
Windward Education and Research Center, 55 Windward Lane, Wahkiacus, WA 98670
Wilderness/Habitat Preservation
Klamath Siskiyou Wild – $3,500
Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center is an advocate for the forests, wildlife and waters of the Klamath and Rogue River Basins of southwest Oregon and northwest California. KS Wild uses environmental law, science, collaboration, education and grassroots organizing to defend healthy ecosystems and help build sustainable communities.
PO Box 102, Ashland, OR 97520
Oregon Wilde – Preserving Western Oregon forests – $3,000
Funding provides support for education and dialogue around a proposal to transfer 1.5 million acres of BLM land designated as O&C land to private management which would allow it to be clear-cut.
5825 North Greeley, Portland, OR 97217-4145
Western Lands Project – $2,000
Western lands Project analyzes proposals to convert public land to private ownership to insure the preservation of public lands for future generations.
P.O. Box 95545 Seattle, WA 98145-2545
Xerces society – Researching decline of honey bee populations – $2,500
Xerces society focuses on preserving invertebrates and their habitat a key to preserving the entire food chain. The decline of honey bee populations is a critical current focus.
The Xerces Society • 628 NE Broadway Ste 200, Portland OR 97232
The Developing World
SOIL (Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods)-recycling human waste in Haiti – $3,500
SOIL collects human waste from refugee camps in Haiti, composts it and uses it to replant fruit and other food bearing trees. In rural areas they provide education and access to compositing toilets.
124 Church Road, Sherburne NY 13460
Solar Cookers International – solar cooking and water purification – $1,500
Simple inexpensive solar cookers and water purification systems provide clean water and the ability to cook food in wood scarce regions of the developing world.
1919 21st Street, Ste 101, Sacramento, CA 95811
Trees Water People – Fruit trees and compost in Haiti – $3,000
In this project TWP moves from Central America to planting fruit trees in Haiti and improving rural sanitation by converting human waste to manure for the trees.
633 Remington St., Fort Collins, CO 80524
Energy and the Environment
Alan Kapuler Ph.D. -Developing new lines of open pollinated food crops – $5,000
Dr. Kapuler, using traditional breeding techniques, is developing new open pollinated varieties of vegetables and grains with the goal of increasing productivity and nutritional value by crossing them with wild varieties.
Alan M. Kapuler Ph.D., 2385 SE. Thompson St., Corvallis, OR 97333
EcoViva – Community development founded on preservation local ecosystems – $2,500
Eco Viva supports environmental sustainability, social justice and peace for communities in Central America.
This grant focuses particularly on the preservation of the Bay of Jiquilisco Biosphere Reserve and the communities that depend on it.
EcoViva, 1904 Franklin St, Suite 203, Oakland, CA 94612 USA
Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW) – Clean Energy program – $3,500
E-Law trains and supports partners around the world in defending environmental quality in their native countries. E-law is increasing its focus on converting to less carbon intensive energy production.
1877 Garden Avenue
1877 Garden Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97403
San Francisco Zen Center – Enhancement of solar energy system at Tassajara Center – $3,000
Tassajara retreat center is located in a pristine area without electrical connection to the grid. This grant upgrades and maintains a photovoltaic system to reduce dependence on diesel generators.
300 Page Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
Total grants in 2014 – $58,100