Outside The Box
Grants List Year Ending 12/31/2010
Environmental Education
Environmental Media Fund – $2,000
The fund acts as a catalyst for films and media programming and events about environmental issues.
Environmental Media Fund, 73 Surrey Avenue, Mill Valley, CA 94941
Northwest Earth Institute – Discussion courses on environmental issues – $1,000
Northwest Earth Institute offers (6) 8-week discussion courses ranging from Volunteer Simplicity to Healthy Children – Healthy Planet. This grant supports the expansion of the program and developing a sustainable financial base.
Northwest Earth Institute, 317 SW Alder, Ste. 1050, Portland, OR 97204
Slide Ranch –Grant for program development – $5,000
Slide Ranch provides hands on educational experience to help children understand the interrelationship of natural systems and their own lives. Training is also provided for educators through its internship programs.
Slide Ranch, 2025 Shoreline Highway, Muir Beach, CA 94965
Our Task – $1,000
Our Task is giving young people a voice in the global decisions that will shape their future.
Our Task, P.O. Box 17076, Arlington VA 22216-7076
Pulitzer Center for Climate Change Initiative – Daniel Grossman – $1,000
Daniel Grossman – funding for coverage of the Indigenousness Climate Conference in Bolivia Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting
1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 615
Washington, D.C. 20036
Big Wildlife – $1,000
Working to insure the long term survival of top carnivores in the west.
Big Wildlife, POB 489, Williams, OR 97544
Heyday – Tim Palmer – $3000
Research and writing of book “The disappearing Glaciers of California”
Heyday, 1633 University Ave., Berkeley, CA 94709
Jordan Fisher Smith $4,000
Research on wilderness administration for book relating climate change to protected wilderness areas.
P.O. Box 1069
Nevada City, CA 95959
Klamath Siskiyou Wild – $3,000
Fund raising event for expanding the activities of KS Wild Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center
PO Box 102
Ashland, OR 97520
Xerces Society – Conservation of invertebrates – $2,000
Xerces Society protects wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitat.
4828 Southeast Hawthorne Boulevard,
Portland, Oregon 97215
The Developing World
Trees Water People – $3,000
Support of fuel-efficient stove building and tree nursery operations in El Salvador
633 Remington St
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Federal Tax ID #84-1462044
Energy and the Environment
Alan Kapuler Ph.D. -Developing new lines of open pollinated food crops – $3,000
Dr. Kapuler, using traditional breeding techniques, is developing new open pollinated varieties of vegetables and grains with the goal of increasing their nutritional value by crossing them with wild varieties.
Alan M. Kapuler Ph.D.
2385 SE. Thompson St.
Corvallis, OR 97333
Blue Ocean Sciences – $4,500
Funding for the Lone Ranger Mission to the Sargasso Sea to explore the issue of marine debris with a multidisciplinary team of scientists and media.
Blue Ocean Sciences
Andrea Neal
435 West CA Blvd apt F
Pasadena, CA 91105
Caribbean Plastic Project – $4,500
Field research to develop local recycling systems and/or waste to energy systems in the Eastern Caribbean Islands.
Norton Smith
P.O. Box 1917
Jacksonville. OR 97530
E-Law U.S. – Protecting Natural Resources in Liberia, Congo, Ghana, and Togo. – $5,000
E-LAW U.S. gives partners and scientists in Chile, India, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, and around the world with the scientific training, support, and resources they need to protect the climate and local environments by advancing clean, renewable energy.
1877 Garden Ave.
Eugene, OR 97403
Inika Small Earth – $4,000
Establish recycling programs in San Diego public schools in conjunction with educational programs for students and parents.
Sarah Boltwala-Mesina, Inika Small Earth, Inc.
13326 Via Santillana
San Diego, Ca 92129
New Energy Movement – $2,000
Developing public awareness of non-traditional alternative energy sources.
New Energy Movement
675 West 25th Ave.
Eugene, OR 97405
Rainforest International- Randy Hayes $4,000
World Future Council funding for climate talks and de-globalization, and promoting Feed-in Tariffs PO Box 29314
San Francisco, CA 94129
Ultimate Energy Showdown – $3,120
Initiating a television series to test and create awareness of alternative energy systems.
Chris Toussaint & Matt Baird
email: info@ultimateenergyshowdown.com tel: 310 399-7982
Total grants in 2010 – $56,120
Contact Form
Grants List Year Ending 12/31/2010
Environmental Education
Environmental Media Fund – $2,000
The fund acts as a catalyst for films and media programming and events about environmental issues.
Environmental Media Fund, 73 Surrey Avenue, Mill Valley, CA 94941
Northwest Earth Institute – Discussion courses on environmental issues – $1,000
Northwest Earth Institute offers (6) 8-week discussion courses ranging from Volunteer Simplicity to Healthy Children – Healthy Planet. This grant supports the expansion of the program and developing a sustainable financial base.
Northwest Earth Institute, 317 SW Alder, Ste. 1050, Portland, OR 97204
Slide Ranch –Grant for program development – $5,000
Slide Ranch provides hands on educational experience to help children understand the interrelationship of natural systems and their own lives. Training is also provided for educators through its internship programs.
Slide Ranch, 2025 Shoreline Highway, Muir Beach, CA 94965
Our Task – $1,000
Our Task is giving young people a voice in the global decisions that will shape their future.
Our Task, P.O. Box 17076, Arlington VA 22216-7076
Pulitzer Center for Climate Change Initiative – Daniel Grossman – $1,000
Daniel Grossman – funding for coverage of the Indigenousness Climate Conference in Bolivia Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting
1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 615
Washington, D.C. 20036
Big Wildlife – $1,000
Working to insure the long term survival of top carnivores in the west.
Big Wildlife, POB 489, Williams, OR 97544
Heyday – Tim Palmer – $3000
Research and writing of book “The disappearing Glaciers of California”
Heyday, 1633 University Ave., Berkeley, CA 94709
Jordan Fisher Smith $4,000
Research on wilderness administration for book relating climate change to protected wilderness areas.
P.O. Box 1069
Nevada City, CA 95959
Klamath Siskiyou Wild – $3,000
Fund raising event for expanding the activities of KS Wild Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center
PO Box 102
Ashland, OR 97520
Xerces Society – Conservation of invertebrates – $2,000
Xerces Society protects wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitat.
4828 Southeast Hawthorne Boulevard,
Portland, Oregon 97215
The Developing World
Trees Water People – $3,000
Support of fuel-efficient stove building and tree nursery operations in El Salvador
633 Remington St
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Federal Tax ID #84-1462044
Energy and the Environment
Alan Kapuler Ph.D. -Developing new lines of open pollinated food crops – $3,000
Dr. Kapuler, using traditional breeding techniques, is developing new open pollinated varieties of vegetables and grains with the goal of increasing their nutritional value by crossing them with wild varieties.
Alan M. Kapuler Ph.D.
2385 SE. Thompson St.
Corvallis, OR 97333
Blue Ocean Sciences – $4,500
Funding for the Lone Ranger Mission to the Sargasso Sea to explore the issue of marine debris with a multidisciplinary team of scientists and media.
Blue Ocean Sciences
Andrea Neal
435 West CA Blvd apt F
Pasadena, CA 91105
Caribbean Plastic Project – $4,500
Field research to develop local recycling systems and/or waste to energy systems in the Eastern Caribbean Islands.
Norton Smith
P.O. Box 1917
Jacksonville. OR 97530
E-Law U.S. – Protecting Natural Resources in Liberia, Congo, Ghana, and Togo. – $5,000
E-LAW U.S. gives partners and scientists in Chile, India, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, and around the world with the scientific training, support, and resources they need to protect the climate and local environments by advancing clean, renewable energy.
1877 Garden Ave.
Eugene, OR 97403
Inika Small Earth – $4,000
Establish recycling programs in San Diego public schools in conjunction with educational programs for students and parents.
Sarah Boltwala-Mesina, Inika Small Earth, Inc.
13326 Via Santillana
San Diego, Ca 92129
New Energy Movement – $2,000
Developing public awareness of non-traditional alternative energy sources.
New Energy Movement
675 West 25th Ave.
Eugene, OR 97405
Rainforest International- Randy Hayes $4,000
World Future Council funding for climate talks and de-globalization, and promoting Feed-in Tariffs PO Box 29314
San Francisco, CA 94129
Ultimate Energy Showdown – $3,120
Initiating a television series to test and create awareness of alternative energy systems.
Chris Toussaint & Matt Baird
email: info@ultimateenergyshowdown.com tel: 310 399-7982